May 10, 2018 at 12:00am
By CSR .

Ahh Mother’s Day! A day we’re pampered and waited on. Oh, wait! I don’t know about you, that’s just not my reality. Save the money you were going to spend on chocolates and flowers, and get mom what she really wants: something to help keep her safe!


Women are the fastest growing segment of the firearm industry. Why? Because we’re starting to realize that safety is an individual responsibility. Add kids into the mix, and your responsibility to keep not only yourself safe, but your family too, multiplies. 


I recently had a conversation with an acquaintance. He made sure to tell me that he didn’t believe civilians should have guns. Ever. In our conversation, I asked him a couple of very pointed questions. I asked him if he traveled often on business (knowing full well he did). My follow up was this: “When you’re out of state and someone kicks in your front door in the middle of the night, what happens to your wife and newborn twins?” His mouth dropped, his face went pale. After a long, awkward pause he asked me this: “Can you take her to the range sometime and teach her?” His wife wasn’t at all anti-gun, he was. I explained it was perfectly fine if he didn’t want to protect himself, but that she should have the ability to protect her family.  Even when my husband is with me, I carry. He can’t be with me 24/7, and even if he could, I like our odds better with both of us carrying. Besides, I’m the better shot, and he knows it!


Women have a lot of options when it comes to carrying a gun. Some days I carry IWB, some days I carry in a Stinger belt holster, and some days I carry in a holster handbag. That’s the beauty of the “Women’s Top Picks” section of the Galco website! Every single item on the page is not only functional, but fashionable as well.


I remember the first time I looked at the Women's Top Picks page, I thought “Shoulder holster? Why in the world would I ever want a shoulder holster?!” But then I remembered all of the pictures I’ve seen going back to Miami Vice (OK, I’m old), and realized, hey… if men love a shoulder holster, why wouldn’t a woman? As a professional, I’m often wearing a suit or blazer to a meeting. Bam! It’s the perfect way to carry. Going to church? You’re probably wearing a cardigan or a blazer, it’s making sense now right? And that Hidden Agenda? My planner goes everywhere with me, and now so can my pistol! It’s an ingenious design. Your pistol can be right on the table and no one would be the wiser.


Sure, chocolates and flowers are great, but get Mom something to help protect herself and your family. If the mom in your life doesn’t yet carry, find an instructor and sign her up for an introductory lesson. She’ll know you care, and shooting is way more fun than getting a new vacuum cleaner for Mother’s Day!


- Annette D.